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Bismillahirrahmanirrahim....Assalamualaikum ...believe in Allah.. Prinsip- forgive,Forget and ikhlas...In sha Allah everything will be fine... setentunya....Allah SWT Tuhanku ,Agama Islam nyawaku! Rasulullah SAW rasulku..Idolaku nyawaku Ikutanku Dunia Akhirat..!!!!in Sha Allah Amin Ya Rabb!! Blog ini khusus ana buat menjadi ana punya diari, segala curhat hati ana luahkan di blog ana ini.. Mohon kepada sesiapa yang terbaca blog ana, jgn ada yg terasa hati.. Semuanya hanya perasaan dari hati ana tidak berniat untuk ditujukan kepada siapa siapa untuk menyakitkan..jikalau terasa.. Hnya curhat hati saja untuk menghindari kesalahfahaman

Wednesday 25 August 2010

i miss old times..........really no, i mean i miss it so much!

hmmm what to start with uh?hehe oh yeahh assalamualaikummmmm!!!!its now RAMADHANNNN!!!!!HAPPY FAsTING EVERYONEEEEEE!!!I LOVE LIFE!!

1140am, today.....just arrived home and straight away to my bedroom lookin for air conditioner remote control!HAHA.bcause its freakin hot today!!!and yes to the bed i ended.

1.15,woke up and there were justin bieber shoking me in my ear singing outloud!darn i forgot to take off my earphone before ive fallen asleep.*sillylaugh*
...ahhhhhhh thi* fuc*ing keybord i* killing me!The double you and ath i* not *orking!! i have to copy and pa*te it then it'll *ork .......u c the "*" right? thats when i use w and s......btw most of it i just copy and paste it.get what i mean???haha...

oh yeah......I MIss OLD TIMEs!!!I MIss LAsT YEAR!check this outttt!last year pictures!!!!!!i miss our closeeee friendship!!because now....... i can feel that the friends forever slowly fades away.oooooh no please dont.i hope its just my feeling..HAHA.sentimental eh?well its ramadhan...be honest on evrything.HAHAHA....

okieee dokie.....till then toodles, assalamualaikum

Monday 23 August 2010

after about 6 months...whats up?what happened?how is everything?

hello people!! At last im back!!im finally back..but actually i want to change my layout 1st since many ppl complained susah nak bukak..sayang laa..but what to do i have to change it jua..oh God i really miss my blog!!ahh

*sak li kau eh*this word remind me of syirah and sakinah.haha.we used to pronounced that words because many people almost half the ppl on fb used it.thats why we try to *penyeluru*haha

anyway..today 23/8/2010..the 12th of ramadhan..i am freaking tired!like crazzzy much!mahn..oh yeah i cant wait to 630..one reason for the sungkai,another one is i want to watch the continuation episode of cinta kirana!!trust me randy pangalila is really2 dropdead gorgeous!!oh if there's a chance that i could just meet him f2f..ahhh!darn.haha..

..well until nw dulu..will update more after i update my layout..hanan!please dech.

Toodles!love love