About Me

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Bismillahirrahmanirrahim....Assalamualaikum ...believe in Allah.. Prinsip- forgive,Forget and ikhlas...In sha Allah everything will be fine... setentunya....Allah SWT Tuhanku ,Agama Islam nyawaku! Rasulullah SAW rasulku..Idolaku nyawaku Ikutanku Dunia Akhirat..!!!!in Sha Allah Amin Ya Rabb!! Blog ini khusus ana buat menjadi ana punya diari, segala curhat hati ana luahkan di blog ana ini.. Mohon kepada sesiapa yang terbaca blog ana, jgn ada yg terasa hati.. Semuanya hanya perasaan dari hati ana tidak berniat untuk ditujukan kepada siapa siapa untuk menyakitkan..jikalau terasa.. Hnya curhat hati saja untuk menghindari kesalahfahaman

Friday 17 February 2012

woahhh...its been a while since i updated my blog. huhaha i felt sorry my self..*sigh... i was so lazy to update things lately..idk why but ...one thing for sure,i don't write when i don't feel like to write..u know wht i mean? confused?me too! lol okay...i was just visiting my blog and i my self pity my blog because of no update..oh my oh my oh my..okay here's the thing..im going to update back my blog step by step like the 1st time!...slowly...slow and steady..haha

mmm...helo?this is awkward..haha im still lost...its like "jetlag" but now im BLOGlag.u know what i mean?.lol  ehhhh ill just come back tommorow.haha
currently.: 21:06 brunei time...im quite lagging and slow.so inshallah ill update tmr....byeee