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Bismillahirrahmanirrahim....Assalamualaikum ...believe in Allah.. Prinsip- forgive,Forget and ikhlas...In sha Allah everything will be fine... setentunya....Allah SWT Tuhanku ,Agama Islam nyawaku! Rasulullah SAW rasulku..Idolaku nyawaku Ikutanku Dunia Akhirat..!!!!in Sha Allah Amin Ya Rabb!! Blog ini khusus ana buat menjadi ana punya diari, segala curhat hati ana luahkan di blog ana ini.. Mohon kepada sesiapa yang terbaca blog ana, jgn ada yg terasa hati.. Semuanya hanya perasaan dari hati ana tidak berniat untuk ditujukan kepada siapa siapa untuk menyakitkan..jikalau terasa.. Hnya curhat hati saja untuk menghindari kesalahfahaman

Sunday 30 November 2014

Trust only to HIS plan , bi idznillah

Sometimes...Allah allows us to fall because there's something down there we're supposed to find.
i know .
I knew.
make don't know.
So you yourself could tell me before i even ask. - Anonymous

Aku yang merindu.

Bila dah terlalu rindu dekat seseorang,
Hanya doa je yang kita mampu sampaikan,
In shaa Allah akan terubatlah rindu tu,
Harap awak baik-baik je..
Bersama orang-orang yg awak rindui,
Walau aku tau aku tak termasuk kat situ pun..
Walau aku tahu rindumu pada org lain,
Doaku tetap denganmu..

Takpe awak tak rindu kite..
Asal kan awak tak lupe kat kite dah memadai..
Biar diri ini je yang  merindui
Sbb saya tak nak awak  merasa betapa sakitnya kalau merindu.

Buat teman, kengkawan, cinta, keluarga, dan sahabat.
I only hurt if its because of you .. -  someone i used to know.

Saturday 29 November 2014

A week done a week left

Past a week of my big exam..now a week left! Can't wait for it to end soon hehe

Friday 28 November 2014

semata-mata, perasaan

Allahurabbi...hanya Engkau yang Maha Mengetahui hati ini.
sentiasa tercari-cari akan dirinya
dikala tiada.namun,....
hati rasa tenang tatkala hanya melihat dirinya
Walau dari jauh, tak berkata-kata
Ingin ku sapa,
bukan waktunya.
ku coba memandang,
Malu menerpa
Walaupun diri ini biasa dengannya
Terasa diri ini sudah tidak ngam  dengannya..
Harap-harap ini cuma perasaan semata-mata

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Trust win everything

There's this saying " its funny how sometimes the people you'd take a bullet for.....are the ones behind the trigger. "

......The worst thing about being lied to is knowing you weren't worth the truth. And it is really painful.

But no matter what, ill still have my hope because i put my trust till the very end. Imma person that hold on to my word. in shaa Allah.Allah knows best.


in shaa Allah i'll distance my self away. as u wish from the very first place.

Tuesday 25 November 2014

All i know since yesterday is everything has changed

And all I feel in my stomach is butterflies

The beautiful kind, making up for lost time,
 Taking flight, making me feel right
 Taking flight, making me feel right like

I just wanna know you better, know you better, know you better now

I just wanna know you better, know you better, know you better now
I just wanna know you better, know you better, know you better now
I just wanna know you, know you, know you...


Saturday 22 November 2014

before anything else

Ive had enough..this is beyond my normal mind to think. Optimistically, Im in need to find my self back. not to my old self. But to a better me instead. One who are not easy to be stepped on.  one who are stronger than before. One who doesnt need anyone that had forgotten me, hated me, or whoever badmouthed me . Im me, i aint need someone judges, I do what i do without thinking too much abt what ppl thought but mine.
 "people are people and sometimes they change our mind~" -taylor swift :p

In this temporary world, you can only depend on Allah..always remember that..lets be strong together!

There's this quote,

Try once,
Try it twice,
multiple times,
You've done ur best,
If they still din get you,
Back out cause youll get hurt a lot more,
If they realise,
They'll come to you,
That time don't do push and pull,
Accept,forgive and forget.

Allah knows what is in every heart.

Ps : bogoshiposo to whom it may concern. Will always do. Even when... I never hears a reply.

Exam's mode

Third year sem 1,
Ya Rabb ujianMu kali ini sungguh besar disaat aku memerlukan focus yang tinggi untuk belajar..
Aku tahu Engkau ingin melihat aku kuat..aku tahu jalanMu yang terbaik..berilah aku kekuatan ..ku berserah hanya padaMu..

Ya Rabb, hanya tinggal sehari saja lagi sebelum ku menempuh ujian ilmu dunia..ya Rabb ikhlaskan hatiku Lillahi Taala, aku tahu aku tidak cukup masa untuk revision..aku alpa ya Rabb..aku alpa kerana telah mensia-siakan masaku :'(  dalam seminggu cuti yg diberikan untuk revision.. Ya Rabbi..
Namun aku masih percaya , aku tidak boleh berputus asa..aku masih punya waktu walaupun sedikit untuk revision..Ya Rabb beri daku kekuatan hati dan akal fikiran..kurniakan aku hati yang bersih supaya senang ilmu masuk di dada..Allahumma amin.. - luahan hati diri ini

Ya Rabb..permudahkanlah aku serta sahabat terdekatku serta sahabat-sahabat seperjuanganku dalam menjawab segala kertas soalan peperiksaan kami yang akan kami hadapi pada 24.11.14 sehingga 6.12.14 dengAan betul dan cemerlang, dan jauhkanlah kami daripada sifat lupa..ya Rabb kuTkan daya ingatan kami ..kuatkan minda kami atas apa yg kami telah pelajari..aminn ya Rabb..
Serta ampuni dosa kedua ibu bapa kami, rahmatilah kami serta berkatilah kami..ameeennnn !!! Hanya padaMu kami berserah, hanya padaMu kami memohon pertolongan..

kepada sesiapa yang membaca blog saya...ana mohon doa anda supaya ana dipermudahkan dlm memjawab segalan soalan peperiksaan ana..syukran..:) semoga Allah memberkati anda amin..

Wednesday 12 November 2014

Staying at home

I was easily get blamed. Even to a little thing that i din do! Shiroooo! It feels like i wana scream this heart out loud! Dugaan, ujian datang silih berganti..ya Rabb.. Engkau Maha mengetahui..aku serahkan semua hanya padaMu..

It feels like i want to be alone, away from this temporary dunya where i din have to think about anything but You ya Rabb..:'(

Allah give me strength to endure these difficulties..i trust only in You..

And not to forget abou my upcoming exam..im in my last year sem 1.. I really hope to do my best at it since its my 3rd and last year in my hnd..pray for the best! Allahumma amin..mudah2an semua berjalan dengan lancar ..mudah2ana ana dapat focus on it disamping fikiran ana yang bercelaru dan hati yang terombang ambing..ya Rabb..tunjukkan aku jalan penyelesaiannya..


Why is it so easy on you as it is really hard on me..
I can't help but feeling really down as you deleted everything. Yes i realised and it was very shocked and scratched my heart so bad. I can barely hold it in.
I don't mind changes, but forgetting everything is just too cruel. :'( idk bout you, but it really hurt me the most to my very soul!
Ive had enough..:'( i just can't handle this misunderstood , this hanging situation i want it to be back to normal as how it was before, no, better than before.!
Allah menguji hambanya supaya kita akan menjadi lebih baik dari sebelumnya.
O Allah, you know what is in every heart!

Allah is the best planner, Allah will make everything alright..you just have to pray, make Du'a and do ur best..

Ps: it really will feel better if u have the same thiught  as i do. How i wish only..but i am confident that u don't. I can tell already frm before....

For now, aasalamualaikum :)

Sunday 9 November 2014

Allah...give me strength

Assalamualaikum wbt, i guess its been a decate it seems since i updated my blog isnt it?heheokay here's the thing..:)

Allahu rabbi, Allahu rabbana...

these past few weeks..i was in a state of grace as i was very let down . I was really at the edge of breaking my self up..:( and it really hurt me so bad.painful.
 I got an imsomnia attacked.I got this too much thinking about someone i trust
Everynight i cant help but my eyes will get uncontrollable teary everytime i want to sleep, everytime i recite tafseer and everywhere i go. It is so much pain to endure and only Allah knows it all. 
Ya Rabbi, as when i get hurt i don't know where to go..so Guide me, so i can never be lost..:'(, i  always got lost in my own thought that made me cried. I cry and cry so much. It means that i cant bear it anymore.  It really is.  But You Allahurabbi, you know what is in every heart.
  i know that ive caused too much sins that ill always forget You..now i got the punishment. Its really painful.ya Rabb..ampuni hambaMu yang lemah ini, ampuni hambaMu yang mudah alpa ini..:'((
and now,  I can barely handle it.. But i know ya Rabbi, " Engkau takkan menguji seseorang di luar dari kemampuannya" i am sure You have many ways to make things better . Allah menguji sejauh mana persahabatan kami boleh bertahan, allah menguji sejauh mana kami percaya antara satu sama lain, Allah menguji kerana Dia tidak mahu kami melupakanNya, Allah  menguji kerana Dia rindu akan tangisan hambaNya, Allah menguji kerana Dia tahu kami akan dapat menanganinya dengan kuat dan yakin...Allahuakbar! allah Maha Besar! mungkin sekarang ianya sangat terombang ambing namun jika kita kuat dan bersatu hati Allah akan menjdikan persahabatan ini jauh lebih baik dari sebelumnya.. In shaa Allah, Allahumma Amin

ps : aku sangat merinduimu sahabat. Youre close yet i felt u really far away. Its hard for me to endure the pain of not approaching you like i always do. You say so.space. Isnt it.. so u could feel better. Let me just stay away  to make u comfortable with others. . Im sorry i had annoyed you all this time..:'( sorry..but don't blame me if i just can't handle my self if i just miss you so. Just give me that

O Allah ... Give me strength to face this unbearable reality!!!!!! Sesungguhnya hanya padaMu ku berserah