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Bismillahirrahmanirrahim....Assalamualaikum ...believe in Allah.. Prinsip- forgive,Forget and ikhlas...In sha Allah everything will be fine... setentunya....Allah SWT Tuhanku ,Agama Islam nyawaku! Rasulullah SAW rasulku..Idolaku nyawaku Ikutanku Dunia Akhirat..!!!!in Sha Allah Amin Ya Rabb!! Blog ini khusus ana buat menjadi ana punya diari, segala curhat hati ana luahkan di blog ana ini.. Mohon kepada sesiapa yang terbaca blog ana, jgn ada yg terasa hati.. Semuanya hanya perasaan dari hati ana tidak berniat untuk ditujukan kepada siapa siapa untuk menyakitkan..jikalau terasa.. Hnya curhat hati saja untuk menghindari kesalahfahaman

Wednesday 1 September 2010

breaking the fast at syirah's house

at TAIB-HANAN pintu pintu!!!HAHA

going to syirah's house-there were about 9 of us if am not mistaken..Fa-t-in,ziraa,Hanan,minaa,____,kayls
,geebah,syiraa and sabs ....
arrangement - eldest to the youngest HAHA.
absent-barirah,peppep and dijah.Oops don't forget the so called "MAMA"haha.

before..we stop by at pasar gadong and bought "tongkeng,kueh malaya,mee,air kausar and cendol"haha too much eh?hehe oh yes sabs brought supa save chicken and mee.hehe

-syirah's house,buttermilk chicken!!!( 2 thumbs up),ayam goreng,spaghetti,rice,ammm apa g ah?haha...mmmmmmmm... oh yeah for the dessert we had puding....hehehe

after the sungkai...we had a photography session at the balcony!!hahaha we were like crazaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy ,and of course many crazy poses...HAHA

we went home at 8pm i guess..but before that ,we went to rumah kaka fa-t-in to visit her sick nephew named adhwa.(didnt remember his full name)haha

omw home mom called me to pick up my sister,and masa sampai atu i went to the back seat to look for my fallen things and then i realised that my left back tyre was flatt!!!i was hocked!hocked!!!!!!!!!!!!!the first thing in my mind *shoot im going to be mad at!!!shoott*i looked for help from the person ho parked beside mine,fuh thank God he helped.i directly called my mother and talked to her calmly like everything was okay!*panic mode*

when arrived my dad was sleeping in front of the tv and he woke up a little and din mention anything about the car where as i was scared to death that i will be blamed.Godddd.til today,now i am still scareddddd more than to death of what will happen!!!!!