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Bismillahirrahmanirrahim....Assalamualaikum ...believe in Allah.. Prinsip- forgive,Forget and ikhlas...In sha Allah everything will be fine... setentunya....Allah SWT Tuhanku ,Agama Islam nyawaku! Rasulullah SAW rasulku..Idolaku nyawaku Ikutanku Dunia Akhirat..!!!!in Sha Allah Amin Ya Rabb!! Blog ini khusus ana buat menjadi ana punya diari, segala curhat hati ana luahkan di blog ana ini.. Mohon kepada sesiapa yang terbaca blog ana, jgn ada yg terasa hati.. Semuanya hanya perasaan dari hati ana tidak berniat untuk ditujukan kepada siapa siapa untuk menyakitkan..jikalau terasa.. Hnya curhat hati saja untuk menghindari kesalahfahaman

Tuesday 1 October 2013

I miss us three.

yeap so lame cause i miss our old photo's.
Dijah's said 
"Atu itam mukaku"
"Iatah gnya our lates picture yg ada"lol

Haha i guess we shud make time to update our pictures djah.!

And currently we've changed.i do admit. Each one of us has changed..her with her.you with you. And me with me. But for sure..we'll still gona stay friends till janna. In sha Allah..as long as we did not forget abt each other. even after each one of us met new friends..got new close ones..just don't cut our line shud b okay..well ppl dont feel weird.its just only that we were close before that we got use on being so close.positive pls. And yeap..its been so long since we've last met..i guess in last february? Ya Rabb, batah jua udah tu...i guess Allah belum kasi masa untuk berjumpa mungkin ada hikmahnya...kan dijah? Muxy? Haha..well with muxy i do meet her ..still i felt we're far apart ;p  apalagi yg seorang atu..batah udah.i always said..belum masanya..hehe ok doakan our 3 punya friendship berkekalan ke janna...ameen! Okay..for now..bu byee Kekeke.